Reader Poll: What is PA’s Top State Senate Race in 2012?

With much legislative work done for the summer and no major bills before the House or Senate, candidates and defending incumbents can focus their full efforts on winning in November. We see six competitive and exciting races.

Sen. Pippy resigned over the weekend, so now Raja and his yet-to-be-named competitor (although it is likely to be state Rep. Matt Smith) can put the pedal to the floor and really kick off their races for the election season.

And given the delay in passing new redistricting maps, the lines are staying the same. This gives Dems more opportunities this cycle than they’ve had in a long time. Control of the Senate stayed the same last time around — the GOP failed to pick up a single seat.

The Senate is currently split 30-20 in favor of the Rs, but Dems also have a registration advantage in all three of the open seats.

As if that wasn’t enough, it’s a presidential election year, so anything goes.

With that in mind, tell us readers:

What is PA's top State Senate race in 2012?

  • SD-37, open seat (R): Raja (R) v. TBA Democrat (likely Rep. Matt Smith) (35%)
  • SD-49, open seat (R): Janet Anderson (R) v. Sean Wiley (D) (19%)
  • SD-15, open seat (R): John McNally (R) v. Rob Teplitz (D) (17%)
  • SD-29: Sen. Dave Argall (R) v. Tim Seip (D) (12%)
  • SD-17: Sen. Daylin Leach (D) v. Charles Gehret (R) (11%)
  • SD-47: Sen. Elder Vogel (R) v. Kim Villella (D) (6%)

Total Voters: 398

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7 Responses

  1. Daylin Leach is the clown prince of the PA Senate. How can voters take this guy seriously? I don’t care if Gehret is a Republican – as long as he doesn’t have a funny tie, oversized shoes, a rainbow wig, and a squirting flower on his lapel, he’s better than Leach.

  2. Hopefully we see a change. Daylin Leach is not the best man in this race. Leach in my opinion is far to liberal. I hope to see Charles Gehert win this race. We need someone who will cut spending and keep taxes low. Democrats are out of control when it comes to spending. We are seeing that at all levels of government. We the taxpayers cannot afford this anymore.

  3. I’m surprised the 17th got even 6%. Daylin is a popular incumbent who won his first Senate race with 61% of the vote. He will have his seat as long as he wants — and thank God! We need him!

  4. The 19th? Really.

    Dinniman trounces the GOP candidate in the moderate (read: most populated) parts of the district and win soft Republicans who will vote against Obama but feel bad and then give Dinniman their vote.

  5. Shocking that the Chester County 19th is not included but probably reflective of local committment to defeat Defeat Dinniman Full effort and Democrat Dinniman would be gone perhaps

  6. Too many of these politicians are “in the slammer”! It’s time to stop this nonsense and unethics.

  7. The top one is the next one:
    Replace Jane Orie who is in the slammer
    Sharon Brown vs. Randy Vulakovich

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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