Harris, Cheney Sound Warning About A Possible Second Trump Term

VP Kamala Harris, Rep. Liz Cheney speak at a forum in Chester County

The message for the closing days of Vice President Kamala Harris‘ campaign is clear – former President Donald Trump is not worthy of another term in the White House.

Harris was joined by former chair of the Republican House Committee, Liz Cheney, at an intimate invite-only gathering in Chester County on Monday.

Moderated by native of Perry County and long-time Republican strategist Sarah Longwell, Harris and Cheney warned about the risk of a second Trump term for America.

Harris opened the conversation by thanking Cheney for standing up for democracy.

I have said before, it must be repeated each time, there are moments in the history of our country which challenge us, each of us, to really decide, do we stand for those things that we talk about, including in particular, country over party? And you have been extraordinarily courageous the way that you have done it. And I thank you for that.”

“For me, every single thing in my experience and in my background has played a part in my decision to endorse Vice President Harris,” said the former third-highest ranking member of the House Republican Caucus. “That begins with the fact that I’m a conservative and I know that the most conservative of all conservative principles is being faithful to the Constitution. You have to choose between someone who has been faithful to the Constitution and Donald Trump.

“I believe that every one of us in this election has a duty and an obligation to do what we know is right for the country, and that’s to support Vice President Harris.”

“As a role model, people watch what you do to see if it lines up with what you say,” added Harris. “People around the world are watching this. I hope everyone does really understand that we represent a gold standard.”

Cheney also offered a blistering attack on Trump’s ability to lead, using the words of the 45th president’s former senior officials.

“His own vice president, national security advisors, leading generals … (they) all said he’s unfit,” she said. “People really need to stop and think about how unprecedented that is. I would just ask everyone think about how dangerous and damaging it is to have someone who’s totally erratic, completely unstable … someone who idolizes tyrants. He won’t defend this nation with respect to our own Constitution and rule of law.”

Harris continued the assault by reminding the 350 people in attendance who Trump spoke derisively about former Arizona Sen. John McCain, the 2008 GOP standard-bearer for president.

“An American war hero like John McCain – was a prisoner of war – said he didn’t respect him because ‘he got caught.’ He has talked about our service members as though they are less courageous than us, those who put on the uniform and are willing to die for the sake of everything we stand for. He calls them suckers and losers. These things cannot be overlooked.

“I have said many times publicly, Donald Trump is an unserious man, but the consequences of him being President of the United States are brutally serious.”

The Vice President also said that her administration would not be a continuation of President Joe Biden’s administration, as she wants to bring her own ideas and experiences to the Oval Office.

Cheney also touched on the subject of Republicans, many who are pro-life, and what she is hearing from them.

“There are many of us around the country, who have been pro life, but who have watched what’s going on in our states since the Dobbs decision, and have watched state legislatures put in place laws that are resulting in women not getting the care they need,” she said. “This is not an issue that we’re seeing break down across party lines, but I think we’re seeing people come together to say, what has happened to women when women are facing situations where they can’t get the care they need, where, in places like Texas, for example, the Attorney General is talking about suing to get access to women’s medical records. That’s not sustainable for us as a country.

“We get a good chance in this race to elect somebody who is going to defend the rule of law. We have the chance to remind people that we are a good country. We are a good and honorable people. We are a great nation. W’re not always going to agree, but I know Vice President Harris will always do what she believes in right for this country.”

Harris, who reiterated her statement that she will appoint a Republican to her cabinet, closed by reminding the audience that “it is in the best interest in our future as a nation to have a healthy two-party system. We need to be able to have good, intense debates about issues that are grounded in fact, let’s start there.”

She chuckled after the crowd burst into applause, stating “That’s an applause line”?

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-06) worked hard to get the Vice President to come speak to her Chester County constituents.

“I think we heard loud and clear from both Rep. Cheney as well as the Vice President just how critical this election is and how high the stakes are in terms of the future of America and the world,” she said. I hope that this message to a purple part of Pennsylvania resonates where we understand the stakes and understand the assignment. There can be differences in the way we think about things. Differences in policies should be civil and respected and worked through, but now is the time to unify.”

She also added her admiration for Cheney on her very public break with the new Republican establishment.

“I am overwhelmed and in awe of her bravery,” she said. “We don’t have a ton in common politically, but we have in common that we really respect the nation and the Constitution.”

Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-04) said that Cheney is making a powerful difference.

“She’s talking to a lot of Republicans who may not be public like she is, and they’re going to do the right thing. We’re going to get the independents. We’re going to get a moderate Republican who would like to get their party back. I’m very excited because, while it is close, close, close, my prediction is in the end, she will prevail in a decisive way.”

“Showing off irrelevant former ‘Republicans’ of the past at campaign events doesn’t change the fact that Kamala Harris is running to extend her record of unlimited illegal immigration, rising prices, and endless wars abroad by another four years,” said Kush Desai, spokesman for PA Team Trump. “Another incompetent Harris administration is the last thing Pennsylvanians want or need, regardless of Liz Cheney’s opinions.”

Harris and Cheney continued to Waukesha County, Wisconsin, and Oakland County, Michigan, to close out the day’s three-state swing.

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