12/14 Ups & Downs
See who had a good week and who didn’t as the Pa. Society hangover wears off and lawmakers work to finish up the year’s business.
See who had a good week and who didn’t as the Pa. Society hangover wears off and lawmakers work to finish up the year’s business.
In the hours since United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice withdrew her name from consideration for Secretary of State, consensus has grown around John Kerry. Should the senior Democrat leave the Senate, Pa. Senator Bob Casey could benefit directly.
Schwartz is a little less likely to run for Gov, and the Pittsburgh mayoral race heats up. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
Rep. Allyson Schwartz keeps on moving up in the ranks of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and it’s cast doubt on her intent to run for Governor.
Local candidates are the biggest beneficiaries of the fact that 2013 is a slow year in Pa. elections.
Gov. Corbett says no to an Obamacare health insurance exchange, and two prospective Dem rivals slam him on it. Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz.
While Democrats line up to criticize Gov. Tom Corbett’s decision to opt out of the Obamacare health insurance exchange, Republicans widely praised the move on Tuesday.
Pennsylvania’s habit of alternating party control every 8 years stands in the Governor’s favor, but other factors like polling count against him.
He ranks among Russian President Vladmir Putin, Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and more, and he’s not even in office yet.
Round one? Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, who is exploring a 2014 bid for Governor, harshly criticized Tom Corbett’s decision not to establish a state-based health insurance exchange.
Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?
Total Voters: 27