Tom Corbett faces an uphill battle against every one of the Democrats running against him, the latest Public Policy Polling survey shows.
He’s undone by his poor job approval rating. Just 24% of registered voters approve the job he’s doing as Governor, versus 65% who disapprove.
Independents disapprove 67% to 17%. Even most Republicans disapprove his job performance, 51% to 37%.
There is no significant difference between Corbett’s approval among men and women.
Former Auditor General Jack Wagner, who has floated a possible 2014 bid but not announced, does the best against Corbett. Wagner leads by 20 points, 50% to 30%. Voters have a favorable opinion of Wagner 23% to 22%.
Former Dep’t of Environmental Protection Secretary John Hanger leads by 19 points, 51% to 32%. Voters view him unfavorably, 17% to 9%.
State Treasurer Rob McCord leads Corbett by 19 points, 50% to 31%. Voters view him unfavorably, 17% to 14%.
Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz leads Corbett by 15 points, 48% to 33%. Voters view her favorably, 22% to 20%.
Former DEP Sec. Katie McGinty leads Corbett by 15 points, 47% to 32%. Voters view her unfavorably, 16% to 14%.
Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski leads Corbett by 12 points, 45% to 33%. Voters view him unfavorably, 18% to 10%.
Former Revenue Sec. Tom Wolf leads by 12 points, 44% to 32%. Voters view him unfavorably, 16% to 9%.
“[Corbett’s] unpopularity is enough to give the Democrats leads of 22 to 39 points with independents,” writes pollster Tom Jensen. “They also earn an astonishing 23% to 27% of the GOP vote, with Corbett taking only 9% to 13% of Democrats.”
The pollster did not test Corbett against Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz or Cumberland County Pastor Max Myers.
PPP surveyed 693 Pa. voters from Nov. 22 to 25 via IVR. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.7%.
Note: Tuesday’s PPP survey announcement includes 3 polls: 1 of registered voters, one of Democrats, and one of Republicans. This article cites figures from the survey of all Pa. voters.
8 Responses
Commissioner Litz asks for a Fair Shot at PA Governor
Unfortunately, last week, the Patriot News mentioned every gubernatorial candidate but me in an article.
Earlier this week, I learned that I and two other candidates were not invited to a forum in Philadelphia.
Today, I was not included in a “head-to-head matchup with potential Democratic candidates in a Public Policy Poll, however, was included in a separate poll of 436 Democratic primary voters who were asked their preferences among the party’s candidates” (Lebanon Daily News).
Even Terry Madonna said he invited all candidates on his show, and that hasn’t happened.
It is unacceptable to exclude any announced candidate. We espouse that we want good candidates and fair elections. So, let’s be fair and give equal time to all candidates.
The gubernatorial Primary is in six months, and the General Election isn’t until November, a full year away. A year in politics is a lifetime, and anything can happen.
If a group can’t handle the logistics of putting on a forum that includes all candidates and still gets into the “meat of the issues”, then maybe they shouldn’t be putting on a forum.
Most people don’t know enough about any of the candidates to say who is and who isn’t viable. The criteria currently used, name recognition and funding, as one of my supporters stated, are preventing us from determining who the truly qualified candidates are. Further, this exclusion does a disservice to the candidates, even those that are invited, but more importantly to the voters…the very group hosts are supposedly trying to reach.
Therefore, I respectfully request the courtesy of an invitation to participate in future forums, articles, polls, radio and television shows, and events. While there are sometimes conflicts that preclude attending every event, I have put over 20,000 miles on my car traveling this great state of Pennsylvania, visiting county courthouses, picnics, 4H Fairs, Democratic dinners, meeting with and listening to people, and much more. I personally created a web site, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In, YouTube, Blog, and Wikipedia pages. In short, I am in touch with the common folk, and working hard. Also, I have participated in four forums to date where all candidates were invited (West Chester, Penn Ag Democrats, PECO Sustainable Energy Conference, and Lobbypalooza), but only three or four candidates consistently chose to participate. My videos on the issues discussed to date appear on YouTube. (See links at the end.). Please review my qualifications for Governor at .
With a level playing field, I will win the Primary and go on to defeat Corbett in November. Will you give all announced candidates, including me, a fair shot at being Pennsylvania’s next Governor?
Maybe you’d like to take a look/listen to some of the issues discussed to date.
Jo Ellen Litz addresses Penn Ag Democrats in State College 8.13.13
West Chester Debate on Economy Boosting Jobs and Education 10.30.2013…
West Chester Debate on Transportation 10.30.2013…
West Chester Debate on Medicaid 10.30.2013…
West Chester Debate on Leadership 10.30.2013…
West Chester Debate on Privatization of the Turnpike 10.30.2013…
PECO Sustainable Energy Conference 11 6 2013 Fueling Stations, Mass Transit…
PECO Sustainable Energy Conference 11 6 13 Cooling the Planet, Solar Energy…
PECO Sustainable Energy Conference 11 6 2013 City Solar, Marcellus Shale…
Lobbypalooza Primary Election Democratic Gubernatorial Forum 11 15 13 67-County Tour shows commitment and stamina.…
This blogger asks a very insightful question, but I’d take it one step deeper: Will the skeletons of Tom Corbett’s AG office be exposed: Why were Sandusky and Trombetta spared in almost biblical Passovers? Why did the hunt for Gricar go so cold? How much influence did the advice of our Dark Prince John Brabender have on the conduct of the Corbett office, which became the most politicized AG’s office in PA history? And of course we still have PATERNO The Movie that is coming out next year. Pacino is playing Paterno and we’ve heard that Bryan Cranston is getting the Corbett role.
Hanger has substance and style. He easily won the Temple forum. He says what the rest do not say. I trust him. He is what PA needs—a real leader with courage and convictions. I felt all along that voters, not media pundits, would recognize the “real deal.” Hanger beats Corbett by a bigger margin than any other candidate! And, I truly believe there are even a larger number of voters who will be voting for John Hanger next spring who were not even counted in this poll–those voters often are not accessible based on most polling methodologies. John Hanger resonates with voters, no doubt about it. Hanger gets my vote.
What did New England do to Denver on Sunday night? Comebacks of that magnitude are rare, but possible. However, it took the greatest quarterback in NFL history to win the game. Tom Corbett is no Tom Brady. Remember ABC, Anyone But Corbett.
My sources are telling me that Signor Ferarri of is trying to procure slide shows of PAGOP MONTCO Chair and sometimes Senator Mike Vereb’s outstanding awesome New Years Eve CAPITOL Parties where PAGOP SEPA Cavemen party like Cavemen. Can someone help Signor Ferrari, PA’s great truth-teller, please? It’s good for the SEPA swing vote.
Dear Mr. Langguth: For PA to be a leader in education, Budget Secretary Charly Zogby must be removed as he is the Chief Procurer for the Cyber Charter School Corporate Welfare Queens. The Corbett Administration needs to answer questions about why William Harner was fired, why Ron Tomalis is still on the State Payroll, how many advertising contracts acting Governor Brabender has with the Cyber Charter mafia and most importantly why Tom Corbett loves Cyber Charter Corporate Welfare Queens more the Kids of PA. Unless you ask for the head of Charly Zogby on your Thanksgiving platter; you are not serious about improving education in this state.
Roger makes excellent points and stole my thunder. After watching the Gubernatorial Forum on PCN television, Hanger knocked it out of the park! I was hesitant about him in the beginning because a lot of these DEP people like McGinty were in bed with the gas industry. So far I have been leaning Wolf because of progressive issues like Single-Payer. Wolf missed his chance to come right out and support it and Hanger didn’t waste any time and took advantage of the opportunity. Hanger has had a whole years advantage over everybody else and this guy has been working hard. Schwartz better watch out if she thought she had this wrapped up! The only thing that none of them touched upon at that forum was that no one mentioned voter suppression, so progressives better keep pushing them all! I’m now leaning Hanger!! 😉
The most significant finding is that the PPP poll shows that John Hanger beats Corbett by more than any other Dem candidate. He’s the strongest candidate among independent, moderate, somewhat liberal and very liberal voters and does better against Corbett than Allyson Schwartz and Katie McGinty among women. And he’s the only candidate rising in the polls.