Murphy Slams Michael Moore over ‘American Sniper’ Comments (VIDEO)

Former Congressman Patrick Murphy called out Michael Moore over the weekend over his criticism of the film American Sniper.

The film, directed by (noted Republican) Clint Eastwood and starring Philly-born Bradley Cooper is based on the book and life of Chris Kyle. Kyle was the most lethal sniper in American history.

American Sniper has been a huge box-office success, grossing just over $200 million in North America. (It is already the second-highest grossing war movie of all-time, behind only Saving Private Ryan).

In the midst of the movie’s mass-release opening weekend, the famous documentary filmmaker tweeted the following:

Moore was widely criticized, especially by the conservatives he has picked so many fights with in the past. Initially, he denied the connection but soon posted an explanation on Facebook that he like the film but had issues with it.

On his Sunday MSNBC show “Taking the Hill” Rep. Murphy, who served in the Iraq War from 2003 to 2004, called on Moore to apologize to Kyle’s family.

“I was absolutely stunned when I read Michael Moore’s comments calling Mr. Kyle a ‘coward’,” Murphy said at the end of his show. “Listen Mr. Moore, you owe the Kyle family, especially his wife and two children, an apology.”

“What troubles me the most are folks who conflate American Sniper, by projecting their belief on whether the Iraq War was justified or not,” the ex-Congressman continued. “The lesson learned in the Vietnam War is separating the war from the warrior.”

“It’s time to you to apologize for calling one of our own a coward,” Murphy concluded.

Yesterday, Moore posted another message on Facebook. In that post, Moore detailed the work he has done for returning veterans, stated that he is currently running American Sniper in the Michigan theatres he owns and defended himself against charges that he does not support the troops.

8 Responses

  1. When we stop pretending that there is the “Glory of War”, we’ll stop glorifying killing.

    Given that Iraq was not involved in 9/11, soldiers of conscience should have objected.

  2. Ironic, isn’t it, that many of the people who are tripping all over themselves to praise Pat Murphy for slamming Michael Moore are the same folks who danced in the street when empty-suit Mike Fitzpatrick knocked Murphy out of Congress in 2010.

  3. Sorry, Fred. As Mr. Diano so adeptly illustrates, Michael Moore is not “far left”, but is the face of the modern democrat party.

  4. Michael Moore is an embarrassment for thoughtful Democrats trying to get things done with a hostile right leaning Congress.

    Besides the fact that he can’t even comb his hair, making derogatory statements to excite your base is a Sarah Palin technique that is so out of vogue for realistic, “normal” people.

    Thank you, Patrick. It’s time the far left understands reality.

  5. Since when did causing the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis become a necessary sacrifice for our freedoms? Does anyone without the last names of Bush or Cheney think we’d have less freedom if we didn’t invade Iraq under false pretenses?

    Is being a sniper honorable? Is it more honorable to kill with a bomb/missile from a plane, ship or drone when the guy pressing the button/trigger is safely out of range of return fire?

    If we stopped invading the wrong countries and killing the wrong people, maybe the term “honor” might have more meaning.

  6. Well said Congressman. It’s hard to believe American discourse has become so fragmented and polarized. People have become so obsessed with persuasion, that they cannot find any common ground or even see the humanity of those on the other side. Maybe it’s this 20th/21st century soundbite culture, but it’s sad when someone makes so much of their freedoms, but has nearly no conception of the sacrifices that makes it all possible.

  7. Couldn’t agree more with Patrick. Moore was really out of line with his comments. I’m from the same neighborhood as Patrick and we all feel the same way about his comments. Murphy’s response is genuine and it really was sickening to see Moore’s comments. I have friends in the military and I truly believe that the military and our veterans are under appreciated. Michael Moore certainly owes the Kyle family an apology. I thought the movie did an excellent job showing how much war can effect the soldier even after their time deployed. It just doesn’t make sense how Moore can say this. Hopefully Moore’s man enough to own up to his mistake and apologize to the Kyle family. Patrick is 100% right here.

  8. Dear Congressman Murphy,

    Thank you so much for your commentary on Michael Moore’s statement regarding American Sniper Chris Kyle. As a mother of newly minted U.S. Army Infantryman heading to Ranger selection in a few weeks, I find Mr. Moore’s comments offensive and ill-informed. I am the sister of former a US Congressman who served along with you in the House and a fellow Pennsylvanian who believes in honoring the service of all Americans regardless of political persuasion. It is easy for folks to take pot shots at those who have served their nation in the military or as elected officials. Thank you for your service and for using your show to stick up for those who in many cases have given their last full measure to devotion in service of the nation they love.

    Eve Allen

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