BREAKING: PA-Gov: Quigley Resigns As DEP Secretary

Quigley-WolfJohn Quigley has resigned from his position as Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection.

“I thank John Quigley for his service to the commonwealth, and I look forward to working with Patrick McDonnell while he serves as Acting Secretary,” Governor Wolf said according to an official statement.

Yesterday, Capitolwire reported that Quigley was complaining about the Governor to environmental groups.

Suffice to say, the two events are very likely connected.

The Wolf Administration provided a bio for McDonnell which is included below:

Patrick McDonnell was most recently the director of policy for the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, where he oversaw the agency’s regulation and policy development processes. In addition, Mr. McDonnell ran the State Energy Office and was charged with coordination of renewable energy and energy efficiency issues.

Prior to returning to DEP, Mr. McDonnell was executive policy manager for former Commissioner Pamela A. Witmer of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, focusing on electric, natural gas and water issues as well as cybersecurity and the impact of environmental regulation on energy markets.

Previously, Mr. McDonnell spent 13 years with DEP in a variety of roles. As deputy secretary for administration, he managed the budget, human resources, information technology and oversaw the facilities management functions of the agency. He also previously served as policy director and as an assistant to the special deputy secretary. He began his career at DEP working in the State Energy Office on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green building projects.

Mr. McDonnell received his Master’s degree in Political Science from Lehigh University and his Bachelor’s Degree in Politics from DeSales University.

11 Responses

  1. Wow Bob you must be pretty unfamiliar with the facts to claim that Gov Wolf offered a “fresh approach.” Wolf’s Former Chief of Staff (McGinty) and former policy director (Hanger) were both DEP Secretaries during the Rendell administration. While Hanger was at DEP, the agency suffered massive cuts and some of the “special funds” DEP administers, which are supposed to help improve the environment,(I.e. Recycling fund) were raided to balance the Rendell budget.

  2. The DEP was destroyed by Governor Corbett. Governor Wolf had a fresh approach to doing what the DEP mission statement said. To protect the environment is the job. The PA Legislature failed the people of Pa by enacting Act 13 of 2012. The oil & Gas companies felt that they had the power of the coal baron’s of the past. Any person who holds a position of public trust swears an oath to obey and to defend the constitution. This Republican controlled government can not spell constitution let alone obey it. They only know political contributions as the oath they swore to. The taxpayers will carry a heavy burden cleaning up the mess the oil & gas profiteers will leave. The radio-active waste along with the toxic chemical brew that can not be made safe will plague this state forever. Deep well dumping will cause earth quakes just like other states that use this form of disposal. Stop Fracking Now was the message to the Government on inauguration day and the message still stands strong again today. God save the people of Pennsylvania !

  3. Josh isn’t qualified for Dog Catcher. I think we’ve demonstrated what happens when unqualified people try to govern. Fettermans a nice guy. We need a pro to undo the damage Wolf has done. Stack or Depasquale or both

  4. Wolf isn’t planning to run for a second term. That’s why he’s positioning Shapiro in the AG’s office, so Josh can job-hop some more.

    But, Stack will likely run splitting the SEPA vote, making it easier for Fetterman.

  5. So we go with a Corbett holdover. Of course. Wolf is aiming to be One-Term Tommie Part II.

  6. After picking fights with the legislature, I guess he had literally no one left to piss off.

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